Sunday, January 16, 2011

"Mrs. Holstein"

(includes custom framing)

"Mrs. Holstein"
Small Painting Series
4" x 5" Original

We were recently on a photo shoot and came across this awesome dairy in Northern California. Because we will be attending the Red Bluff Bull and Gelding Sale, I wanted to paint something to take along. I couldn't resist #1207 as my subject for a couple of reasons: This is Pearl Harbor Day and my dad is a Pearl Harbor survivor and it is also the wedding anniversary of my dear friend in Cape Town, South Africa.

View Painting Demonstration


  1. This is great Roby!! And the reasoning behind the number is so sweet! :)

  2. Thanks Angela! Yeah, I couldn't resest it when I saw how cute she was then the number sealed the deal!

  3. "Mrs. Holstein" is so beautifully painted, Roby.

  4. Hilda... you're so sweet! Thank you so much!!
