Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Redhead Duck Painting

WooHooo!!!! We're back from Sacramento attending the California Duck Stamp contest judging! I took 3rd place Nation wide and the only Calif. artist to get into the top 3. The competition was tough and I'm so proud to get a ribbon at all!!! I had my wonderful husband Rich holding my hand and my great friends there too. ...Thank you so much for caring and being there with me. ♥


  1. Congrats Roby!!! I like yours the most :). First place for me!!!

  2. Thanks Mario!! Arn't you the nice one!! I'll try again next year:))))

  3. is incredible!
    It almost looks like a picture, very well done drawing, I like it!

    Keep it up!

    Greetings! ;)

  4. Hi Laura!
    Thanks so much for the nice comment! I appreciate that you took the time to do so:))))
